St. Vincent Meals on Wheels logo

1 in 3 LA County residents face food insecurity.

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{{ Non-profit name }} is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

"I don't have any family left, so you guys are like my family."
-- David Nash's story

David Nash led an exciting life for many years, touring with The Grateful Dead. After suffering a major injury that left him homebound, a friend reached out to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels on his behalf. Our client advocates immediately conducted an assessment, devised a plan to deliver Mr. Nash meals, and sprang into action.

“They feed you food and then they feed your soul. It’s a double good thing.”

Today those nutritious meals and personal visits have helped Mr. Nash lose nearly 100 pounds, and his health and happiness improve daily. His transformation is a testament to his determination, the efforts of our committed team — and the crucial support of donors like you.

We Nourish Bodies and Souls

While we often think of donating at the holidays, hunger persists year-round. At St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, we don’t just provide healthful food, we are a helping hand and a friendly smile – sometimes the only one in a client’s life. Please join us in feeding and providing a lifeline to our most vulnerable neighbors.

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